List of companies and organizations by tag «sterilizers» In Uzbekistan: addresses, phone numbers, contacts

Found companies: 3


  +998 97... display

Country code: +998

Faxes: 71 2311988




Address: Uzbekistan, 100066, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, street FURKAT, 175

Show on the map

Analysis for COVID (coronavirus)

Automatic analyzers - Sales, Production

Automobile scales - Sales, Production

Baby scales - sale, production

Bactericidal recirculators - sale, production

Binocular microscopes - sale, production

Biochemistry analyzers - sale, production

Chemical industry - Equipment

Chemical reagents

Chinese equipment - delivery to order

Computer software - sales, design

Conductivity salimeter - sale, production

Dental autoclaves - sale, production

Dental chairs - sale, production

Dental equipment - sale, production

Dental materials - sale, production

Dental X-ray equipment - sale, production

Diagnostic reagents - sale, production

Digital X-Rays - sale, production

Disc filters for water - sale, production

Distillers - sale, production

Electrocardiography, ECG machines - sale, production

Exhaust hoods - sale, production

Filters - Industrial

Filters - Water and other

Floor scales - sale, production

Food industry - Equipment

Grain moisture meters - sale, production

Hematology analyzers - sale, production

Household water filters - sale, production

IGG and IGM antibody tests

Industrial filters for water - sale

Industrial scales - sale, production

Installation of water filters

Jaw crushers - sale, production

Laboratory centrifuges - sale, production

Laboratory drying ovens - sale, production

Laboratory equipment

Laboratory glassware - sale, production

Laboratory scales - sale, production

Laboratory water bath - sale, production

LED lamps operating - sale, production

Medical autoclaves - sale, production

Medical beds - sale, production

Medical electronic scales - sale, production

Medical equipment - Sale, Production

Medical equipment- Disposable syringes, Infusion & Transfusion systems

Medical equipment repairs

Medical expendable materials - sale, production

Medical industry - Production of instruments, Equipment, Items

Medical instruments - sale, manufacturing

Medical laboratory

Mobile, portable X-ray machines - sales, production

Operating tables, surgical tables - sale, production

Patient Monitors - sale, production

PCR tests for coronavirus

Pharmaceutical equipment and instruments

Phonendoscopes, stethoscopes - sale

Platform scales - sale, production

Pulse oximeters - sale, production

Scales - sales, production

Sterilizers - sale, production

Stomatologic equipment and tools

Ultrasound machines - sale, production

Wagon scales - sale, production

Water filters for domesti - sale, production

Water purification - Equipment, Materials and technology

Weighing equipment

Weight indicators - sale, production

X-Ray equipment - Sale, Production

to show:

View statistics of the tag: sterilizers

for current month (April 2024): 20

for last month (March 2024): 58

for 3 month (January 2024 - March 2024): 119

for half year (October 2023 - March 2024): 247

for year (April 2023 - March 2024): 442








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