Directory TASHKENT – list of companies and firms with addresses and telephone numbers, as well as other contacts

Found companies: 16884
to show:


Country code: +998

Faxes: 71 2677190


Legal name: FORTEK LLC

Brand name: FORTEK LLC

Address: Uzbekistan, 100170, Tashkent, Mirzo-ulugbek district, travel 6-st SAYRAM, 13 A

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Analysis for COVID (coronavirus)

Automatic analyzers - Sales, Production

Automobile scales - Sales, Production

Baby scales - sale, production

Bactericidal recirculators - sale, production

Binocular microscopes - sale, production

Biochemistry analyzers - sale, production

Chemical reagents

Computer software - sales, design

Conductivity salimeter - sale, production

Dental autoclaves - sale, production

Dental chairs - sale, production

Dental equipment - sale, production

Dental materials - sale, production

Dental X-ray equipment - sale, production

Diagnostic reagents - sale, production

Digital X-Rays - sale, production

Disc filters for water - sale, production

Distillers - sale, production

Electrocardiography, ECG machines - sale, production

Exhaust hoods - sale, production

Filters - Industrial

Filters - Water and other

Floor scales - sale, production

Food industry - Equipment

Hematology analyzers - sale, production

Household water filters - sale, production

IGG and IGM antibody tests

Industrial filters for water - sale

Industrial scales - sale, production

Installation of water filters

Laboratory centrifuges - sale, production

Laboratory drying ovens - sale, production

Laboratory equipment

Laboratory glassware - sale, production

Laboratory scales - sale, production

Laboratory water bath - sale, production

LED lamps operating - sale, production

Medical autoclaves - sale, production

Medical beds - sale, production

Medical electronic scales - sale, production

Medical equipment - Sale, Production

Medical equipment- Disposable syringes, Infusion & Transfusion systems

Medical equipment repairs

Medical expendable materials - sale, production

Medical industry - Production of instruments, Equipment, Items

Mobile, portable X-ray machines - sales, production

Operating tables, surgical tables - sale, production

Patient Monitors - sale, production

PCR tests for coronavirus

Pharmaceutical equipment and instruments

Phonendoscopes, stethoscopes - sale

Platform scales - sale, production

Pulse oximeters - sale, production

Scales - sales, production

Sterilizers - sale, production

Stomatologic equipment and tools

Ultrasound machines - sale, production

Wagon scales - sale, production

Water filters for domesti - sale, production

Weighing equipment

Weight indicators - sale, production

X-Ray equipment - Sale, Production

X-ray machines - sale, production

34 Garant Polymer


Brand name: Garant Polymer

Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Bektemir district, highway AKHANGARAN,

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36 Gift Master

Country code: +998


Legal name: "GIFT MASTER 2018" OK

Brand name: Gift Master

Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Almazar district, street UZUMZOR, 9

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Country code: +998




Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, street BOBUR, 74


Country code: +998



Brand name: HOTELIOS

Address: Uzbekistan, 100115, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, street GAGARIN, 66

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Country code: +998



Brand name: HPS

Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Shaykhantakhur district, street LABZAK, 30

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Description: ООО "HYPER POWER SERVER" является одной из крупнейших широкопрофильных компаний по проектированию, поставке и внедрению комплексных решений в области информационных и коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) «под ключ».
В команде HPS работают инженеры с опытом работы в отрасли более 15 лет.
to show:

View statistics of the city: TASHKENT

for current month (April 2024): 9030

for last month (March 2024): 19379

for 3 month (January 2024 - March 2024): 64053

for half year (October 2023 - March 2024): 123378

for year (April 2023 - March 2024): 222931


Portal Yellow Pages Uzbekistan presents a detailed business directory Tashkent.

Here you will find detailed information about companies and organizations of the city and can directly contact their representatives. You also get the opportunity to place data of your own firms and institutions Tashkent on favorable terms. What opportunities does our website catalog Tashkent offer, and what is your benefit when using its services? We will consider all the advantages of the online directory Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan, open to advertisers and those who are looking for information about companies, organizations and enterprises Tashkent.

All about companies Tashkent: phone numbers, addresses, services and other information

Experience, high degree of responsibility and creative approach of Yellow Pages Uzbekistan specialists to the provision of services resulted in the fact that already about 11,100 enterprises, organizations and firms Tashkent registered their business on our website. Therefore, by referring to our services, you will receive the most complete, reliable and relevant information. Search for all organizations and companies Tashkent in the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan reference portal can be performed using various filters. Here you will find interesting information on such features as:

  • legal and brand name of the organization or company Tashkent;
  • full address or fragment thereof, as well as the nearest landmarks;
  • contact phone numbers of organizations Tashkent, including fax numbers;
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Separately, we add that on the information page about the company or enterprise chosen by you Tashkent you can also find statistical data about visits to this section for the current month and previous periods. In addition, many entrepreneurs order website-cards from us that allow them to acquaint visitors in detail with their activities, services and offers.

Advantages of searching in the business directory Tashkent on Yellow Pages

By searching for organizations and companies Tashkent using the Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan reference portal, you get a number of beneficial advantages, namely:

  • relevant and reliable information, which is necessarily checked and verified by the portal staff;
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  • the opportunity to order a paid sample of all organizations and enterprises Tashkent on the specified parameters;
  • multilingual interface (Uzbek, Russian and English), which allows to use the service to visitors from different countries.

Separately, we add that although information about all firms Tashkent is periodically checked for relevance, we do not always have time to track changes in addresses, phone numbers and other data in a timely manner. Therefore, the staff of the reference portal Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan will be sincerely grateful to you If you let us know when you detect errors or outdated data.

Online registry of organizations Tashkent Yellow pages for advertisers

The online directory Tashkent Yellow Pages invites all entrepreneurs and managers who want to expand their business opportunities for cooperation. We offer quite attractive conditions for posting your information. Firstly, our catalog of organizations Tashkent will provide for you the maximum increase in visits from the target audience. Secondly, we offer affordable price using an individual approach to each client.

In addition, representatives of all organizations and firms Tashkent who have posted data about their business here, get good prospects for entering the foreign market. The site is actively visited in the CIS countries, Europe and Asia, which allows companies and organizations Tashkent to improve relations with foreign partners, investors and customers. If you have additional questions regarding the placement of data about your organisation or company Tashkent on Yellow Pages Uzbekistan, you can always use the help of our consultants by calling them on the hotline or writing to an email address.









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