Advertising services in Tashkent, Uzbekistan: full list, contacts, opening hours, addresses and other information

The directory Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan provides detailed information on the companies of the section "Advertising agency" in the in Tashkent region.

Found companies: 165
City: Area:
to show:


  +998 90... display

Country code: +998


Legal name: FRESKA.UZ LLC

Brand name: FRESKA.UZ

Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, street FARKHAD, block 7

Show on the map

Advertisement at stops, advertising at the stopping complexes - services

Advertising agency

Advertising at radio, producing of audio reels

Advertising materials - production

Advertising on television, placing the TV

Advertising stands - production

Advertising structures - sale, manufacturing

Ballpoint pens - sale

Business souvenirs, corporate souvenirs - sale, manufacturing

Caps, panamas - sale, production

Catalogues - manufacturing

Children's New Year gifts - sale, production

Corporate gifts - sale, production

Cups with logo - sale, manufacturing


Design labels - services

Development of corporate style - sale

Engraving on the surface (fabric, bags, etc.) - services

Exhibition design - manufacturing

Gel pens - sale

Gift shops

Holding of promotions - services

Illuminated advertising

Inflatable advertising constructions - sale, production

Interior printing

Large letters - production

Laser engraving - service

Light boxes - production

Logo design - services

Logos - drawing on pens, mugs t-shirts, caps - services

Manufacturing of advertising

Manufacturing of flags

Manufacturing of indexes

Mobile exhibition construction - production

Movie and video studios

New Year gifts - sale, production

Packaging design - development

Pens ball, sticks - sale, production

Pens with logo - sale, manufacturing

Phew - print - services

Photo services

Photo studios and photo salons

POS materialsб POSM materials - production

Print on pillows - services

Print on plates - services

Printing on the cups - services

Production of advertising pillars

Production of tablets

Professional photography

Silk - Screening

Souvenir magnets - sale, production

Souvenir shops

Souvenirs - Production, Sales

Stickers on cars - sale, production

T-shirt printing - services

Umbrellas with logo - sale, production

VIP-gifts - sale, production

to show:

View statistics of the rubric: Advertising agency in Tashkent

for current month (April 2024): 1811

for last month (March 2024): 4166

for 3 month (January 2024 - March 2024): 13196

for half year (October 2023 - March 2024): 25076

for year (April 2023 - March 2024): 48699 full list of the advertising companies of Tashkent

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Directory of advertising agencies in Tashkent

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List of advertising agencies in Tashkent

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Directory of advertising agencies of Tashkent





Electronic catalog of Advertising agency in Tashkent. Addresses and phones, location and landmarks, how to get there, as well as a lot of other background information. All data are reliable and relevant. Constantly updated database of the section Advertising agency in Tashkent, collected since 1995. An excellent opportunity to advertise your business without the contribution of funds, as well as simply a convenient and affordable search engine.




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