Haemalab, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone
Legal name: Haemalab LLC
Brand name: Haemalab
Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, street AMIR TEMUR, 99
When applying to Haemalab, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.
Analisys for antibodies, Analyses for virus of hepatitis - services, Analysis for COVID (coronavirus), Analysis of allergy - services, Analysis of blood lipid profile - services, Analysis of fecal on scatology - services, Analysis of urine - services, Analysis on bilirubin, Analyzes, Assays for TORCH - services, Biochemical analysis of blood - service, Blood analysis for rheumatic test, Blood test, Blood test for tumor markers - services, Blood tests for sugar - services, Coagulation (gemostaziogramma) of blood - services for analysis, Culture test analysis, Diagnostic centers, Diagnostic laboratory, Feces analysis on helminth eggs - services, Hospitals and clinics, IGG and IGM antibody tests, Medical centers, Medical laboratory, Medicine - Diagnostic, Consultation, Treatment, PCR tests for coronavirus, Private clinics, Semen analysis - services, Tests for sexually transmitted infections - services, Ultrasonic researches, Ultrasonography at pregnancy - services, Ultrasonography of kidneys and adrenal glands - services, Ultrasonography of liver and gall bladder - services, Ultrasonography of mammary glands - services, Ultrasonography of peritoneal cavity - services, Ultrasonography of prostate gland - services, Ultrasound (ultrasound) hip joint, Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of joints, Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the femoral head, Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the knee joint, Ultrasound machines - sale, production, Ultrasound of eyes - service, Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system (ultrasound)
View statistics of the organization «Haemalab»
January 2025: 185
December 2024: 106
for 3 month: 318 (October 2024 - December 2024)
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FAQs about Haemalab:
Where is Haemalab located?
Haemalab is located at the address: Uzbekistan, TASHKENT, YUNUSABAD area, AMIR TEMUR street, 99. . -
Haemalab telephone numbers?
You can call Haemalab on telephone numbers . +998 71... display