Saba Darmon Diagnostic, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone
Brand name: Saba Darmon Diagnostic
Address: Uzbekistan, 100021, Tashkent, Shaykhantakhur district, massif BOGKUCHA, 17 А
When applying to Saba Darmon Diagnostic, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.
Andrology, Colposcopy - services, Diagnostic centers, Gynecology, Hormonal research - services, Laboratory researches, Analysis, Medical centers, Medicine - Diagnostic, Consultation, Treatment, Private clinics, Treatment of female infertility, Ultrasonic researches, Ultrasonography of mammary glands - services, Urology
clinic, gynecology, ultrasonic research, gynaecologist, fruitlessness, secondary fruitlessness, blood hormones, TORCH infection, thyroid hormones, autoimmune thyroid, onсological markers, biochemical blood tests, sperm gramme, Ultrasonic of thyroid, Ultrasonic of suckling gland, scrinning of fruit, doplerografy of fruit, doplerografy of thyroid, dopler of scrotum organs , посткоитальный тест, folliclemetry, planning of child's sex, colposcopy, pap-test, ВПЧ 16/18, cancer of uterus neck, polypus of uterus neck, ectopia of uterus neck, ekstropion of uterus neck, leukoplakia of uterus neck, popillomas of uterus neck, candilomas of uterus neck, chronic cervicit, deformation of uterus neck , hypertrophy of uterus neck , pin bleeding from uterus neck , scrinning of uterus neck cancer, displosion of uterus neck , diagnostics of fruitlessness, treatment of fruitlessness, ВМИ, insemination, key goitre, follikulit, ЦМВ, ВПГ
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View statistics of the organization «Saba Darmon Diagnostic»
December 2024: 134
November 2024: 161
for 3 month: 581 (September 2024 - November 2024)
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FAQs about Saba Darmon Diagnostic:
Where is Saba Darmon Diagnostic located?
Saba Darmon Diagnostic is located at the address: Uzbekistan, 100021, TASHKENT, SHAYKHANTAKHUR area, BOGKUCHA massif, 17 А. . -
How to get to Saba Darmon Diagnostic?
To build a route, you can use the map on our website. -
Saba Darmon Diagnostic telephone numbers?
You can call Saba Darmon Diagnostic on telephone numbers . +998 55... display