Diagnostic centers, Uzbekistan: catalog of companies and organizations, their addresses, phone numbers, contacts

In this section of the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan catalog you will find the complete information about Diagnostic centers in the region of Uzbekistan.

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Yellowpages.uz full contact list of Uzbekistan diagnostic centres

Diagnostic centers Uzbekistan

Diagnostic centers telephones

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Diagnostic centers

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  • Yellowpages.uz personnel and visitors verify listed information. Our personnel examine information of the diagnostic centres which include telephones, addresses and other contacts periodically but sometimes this information is modified quicker. If you reveal wrong information we ask you contact Yellowpages.uz. Please, see send us your letter with letter's subject "website error" to info@Yellowpages.uz or phone +998 71 291-77-24. Your assistance to correct information of Uzbekistan diagnostic centres is very precious!

Diagnostic centers in Uzbekistan

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List of diagnostic centers in Uzbekistan








Yellowpages.uz electronic directory: a complete list of companies in section «Diagnostic centers» Uzbekistan. Phones, addresses, work schedules and any additional information available on the resource 24 hours a day. Only verified data on diagnostic centers in Uzbekistan with regular updates, collected over twenty years of the existence of the catalog, as well as a free telephone service with up-to-date information about diagnostic centers in Uzbekistan.




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