Uchtepa district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - directory of organizations and companies with addresses, phone numbers and other contacts

Found companies: 808
to show:

3 Status Medline Частная клиника PRO

Legal name: Status Medline

Brand name: Status Medline Частная клиника

Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Uchtepa district, street BESHKAYRAGACH, 164

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Description: Status Medline женская клиника

4 Архитектурно-дизайнерское бюро «STOODIO.UZ» PRO


Brand name: Архитектурно-дизайнерское бюро «STOODIO.UZ»

Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Uchtepa district, massif CHILANZAR-22, 2

Description: Архитектурно-дизайнерское бюро «STOODIO.UZ» разрабатывает проекты жилых и общественных пространств с 2018 года.

9 Lor Med Servis (филиал Алмазар)

  +998 55... display

Country code: +998

Legal name: Lor Med Servis (филиал Алмазар)

Brand name: Lor Med Servis (филиал Алмазар)

Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Uchtepa district, street NURAFSHON, 3

to show:

Location browsing statistics: UCHTEPA

for current month (July 2024): 1364

for last month (June 2024): 1836

for 3 month (April 2024 - June 2024): 5438

for half year (January 2024 - June 2024): 9534

for year (July 2023 - June 2024): 17782








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