Urgut, Samarkand, Uzbekistan - directory of organizations and companies with addresses, phone numbers and other contacts

Found companies: 4
to show:


  +998 91... display

Country code: +998

E-mail: Nazir@ideal.com

Legal name: Ideal Elektro Lyuks LLC

Brand name: IDEAL

Address: Uzbekistan, Samarkand region, Samarkand, Urgut district, street NAVOI SHOKH,

to show:

Location browsing statistics: URGUT

for current month (April 2024): 84

for last month (March 2024): 56

for 3 month (January 2024 - March 2024): 168

for half year (October 2023 - March 2024): 420

for year (April 2023 - March 2024): 943








Tell the operator you got his number on yellowpages

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