A MULK DAV LLC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone
Brand name: A MULK DAV LLC
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Shaykhantakhur district, street KORATOSH, 3
When applying to A MULK DAV LLC, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.
Appraisal activity - services, Assessment during demolition - services, Auditing services, Business plans and technical economical substatiaton - Development, Consulting - Services, Damage assessment - services, Estate appraisal, Estimated activity, Estimation of damage from apartment bay or flooding of premises - services, Evaluation of land plots - service, Evaluation of pledge - service, Pricing expertise of contracts - services, Property valuation - services, Valuation of intangible assets - service, Valuation of shares - service
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Location on the map
View statistics of the organization «A MULK DAV LLC»
December 2024: 7
November 2024: 115
for 3 month: 373 (September 2024 - November 2024)
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Where is A MULK DAV LLC located?
A MULK DAV LLC is located at the address: Uzbekistan, TASHKENT, SHAYKHANTAKHUR area, KORATOSH street, 3. . -
How to get to A MULK DAV LLC?
To build a route, you can use the map on our website. -
A MULK DAV LLC telephone numbers?
You can call A MULK DAV LLC on telephone numbers . +998 90... display