ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone

Country code: +998



Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, massif KASHGAR, 1 A


When applying to ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.


participation of a lawyer in tax and other inspections of inspection and supervisory authorities, comprehensive protection of rights and legitimate interests in the courts (including abroad) and legal support of the execution of judicial acts (litigation), protection of honor and dignity in court, protection and legal protection of intellectual property objects, including copyrights, oral and written legal advice, participation and protection of rights and legitimate interests in the framework of labor law, participation and protection of rights and legitimate interests in the framework of civil law, participation and protection of rights and legitimate interests in administrative law, participation and protection of rights and legitimate interests in the framework of criminal law (pre-investigation check, preliminary investigation, court proceedings), participation and protection of rights and legitimate interests in economic courts, legal support and analysis in the field of financial and banking law, legal support and analysis in the field of information law, legal support and analysis in the field of migration law, legal support and analysis in the field of corporate law, legal support for the registration and re-registration of companies (legal entities), legal support of mergers and acquisitions of companies, legal support and support of the activities of economic entities, foreign companies, legal support of investment activities, consulting and support of business and transactions of various types, international legal protection of human rights, preparation of drafts of various corporate documents for legal entities, providing legal assistance to individuals and their family members on a permanent basis, compliance, legal audit, due diligence-legal risk-analysis of the activities of companies and banking authorities, legal expertise of normative legal relations that does not have legal force and does not oblige any of the subjects


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View statistics of the organization «ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM»

April 2024: 97

March 2024: 119

for 3 month: 301 (January 2024 - March 2024)

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The review should include a personal assessment and real experience of interacting with the company. The review should be meaningful and include as much factual information as possible. The portal's editors reserve the right to edit the content of the review in order to preserve the review, removing words and expressions that prohibit publication, and not changing the essence and main content of the review.
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  • Where is ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM located?
    ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM is located at the address: Uzbekistan, 100000, TASHKENT, YUNUSABAD area, KASHGAR massif, 1 А. .
  • How to get to ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM?
    To build a route, you can use the map on our website.
  • ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM telephone numbers?
    You can call ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM on telephone numbers . +998 71... display





ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - current information in the catalog Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan. ACCEPTUS LAWYER FIRM: contacts, address, phone, fax, website, location, landmarks and other additional information on the website Yellow Pages Uzbekistan.




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