Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone
Brand name: Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE
Address: Uzbekistan, 100135, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, street BUNYODKOR, 24/1
When applying to Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.
Analysis of urine - services, Assays for TORCH - services, Biochemical analysis of blood - service, Blood test, Diagnostic laboratory, Hormonal research - services, Laboratory researches, Analysis, Magnetic-resonance tomography, Medical centers, Medical laboratory, Medicine - Diagnostic, Consultation, Treatment, MRT of brain - services, Non-surgical treatment of BPH - services, Painless dentistry - service, Stomatology, Treatment of prostatitis, Ultrasonic researches
Location on the map
View statistics of the organization «Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE»
December 2024: 14
November 2024: 77
for 3 month: 250 (September 2024 - November 2024)
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FAQs about Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE:
Where is Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE located?
Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE is located at the address: Uzbekistan, 100135, TASHKENT, CHILANZAR area, BUNYODKOR street, 24/1. . -
How to get to Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE?
To build a route, you can use the map on our website. -
Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE telephone numbers?
You can call Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE on telephone numbers . +998 55... display -
Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE fax numbers?
You can send a fax to the number 71 2769933. -
Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE website URL?
Najot Shifo MEDICAL CENTRE website URL -