Sewing machines in Uzbekistan (manufacture and sale): catalog of companies and organizations, their addresses, phone numbers, contacts

This section of the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory contains complete information about Sewing machines in Uzbekistan

Found companies: 13
to show:

1 Dison


Brand name: Dison

Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, massif BASHLIK, street KICHIK KHALKA YULI, 9


  +998 90... display

Country code: +998


Legal name: ASXAB TECH LLC

Brand name: ASXAB TECH LLC

Address: Uzbekistan, Fergana region, 150300, Fergana, street NURAFSHON, 15


  +998 71... display

Country code: +998

Faxes: 71 2359255




Address: Uzbekistan, 100053, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, street BOGISHAMOL, 14

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View statistics of the rubric: Sewing machines - Production, Sales

for current month (April 2024): 399

for last month (March 2024): 513

for 3 month (January 2024 - March 2024): 1249

for half year (October 2023 - March 2024): 2454

for year (April 2023 - March 2024): 4866

Manufacture and sale of sewing machines in Uzbekistan: all contacts in

The Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan web portal provides a section on the production, supply and sale of sewing machines in Uzbekistan. Here you can find all the information that buyers and potential business partners need. The catalog of companies and organizations whose activities are related to the production and sale of household and industrial sewing machines in Uzbekistan will allow you to find out their addresses and phones, location and contacts, as well as other necessary data. Using our directory, you can always quickly and easily get the information of interest section. At the same time, the organizers of the project ensure its maximum relevance, for which we regularly check and adjust.

Sewing machines in Uzbekistan

Classification of sewing machines: what manufacturers and sellers in Uzbekistan offer

For local and customers from foreign countries, manufacturers and suppliers of sewing machines in Uzbekistan offer the widest range of this equipment. Here are presented all the varieties and models that are in demand in the modern market.

Using the service, you can find interesting information about companies and organizations whose activities are related to the production and sale of household sewing machines in Uzbekistan. These data will help you to advantageously buy mechanical, electromechanical and automatic models. In the shops of household sewing machines in Uzbekistan you will find all the best-selling models of the shuttle and chain stitch. Here, 2, 3 and 4-thread overlock, as well as embroidery and furrier equipment are widely represented.

In Uzbekistan sewing industrial machines are in high demand. These products are widely represented in specialized points of sale. On the site Yellow Pages Uzbekistan you will find contact information of companies and organizations offering products such as:

  • one- and two-needle industrial sewing machines;
  • flat-bottom, loop and button equipment;
  • fastening, furring and embroidery industrial sewing machines;
  • conventional and carpet overlock for edge processing;
  • shoe sewing machines and other equipment of this category.

These and many other types of sewing equipment that is produced and sold in Uzbekistan are available to all users of our reference portal.

Sale and supply of sewing machines in Uzbekistan: only actual data

Addressing to service, you will find the most up-to-date information about manufacturers, suppliers and stores of sewing machines in Uzbekistan. All data from the catalog is updated regularly and replenish with new information. In this case, specialists of the Yellow Pages portal do their best to check their reliability. As soon as new sellers or manufacturers of sewing machines in Uzbekistan express their desire to place their contact information on the site, after a thorough check, it immediately appears in this section.

With high responsibility, our employees are also suited to updating the data. Any changes in the contacts of sewing machine companies in Uzbekistan are immediately reflected in this catalog category. We will be very grateful if you find out the incorrect or outdated information in the section on sale and manufacture of sewing machines in Uzbekistan, you will inform about it in a letter to the email address In the subject of the letter we ask you to indicate "error on the site", and in the body itself - briefly describe the problem.

If it possible, please call back to the contact phone number of the hotline of the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan portal +998 71 291-77-24. Immediately after the verification, the data received from you will be included in the section on household and professional sewing machines in Uzbekistan. In this manner, you will not only help us to update the data, but also provide maximum reliability of information for other users of the service.

Household and industrial sewing machines in Uzbekistan: optimization of your business

We also want to turn to the owners and employees representing companies and organizations for the production and sale of sewing machines in Uzbekistan. If you are interested in developing your business and free targeted advertising, the directory will become your irreplaceable assistant. If you are interested in developing your business and free targeted advertising, the directory will become your irreplaceable assistant.

All that is required to post data in this section, it's just your desire and giving the information. We, on our part, will do everything necessary for our cooperation to bring mutual benefit to each of the parties. Add your organization to the section "Sewing machines - manufacture, sale" right now by downloading the Questionnaire form in the format "MS Word" (size 111 Kb), and anyone who desires to buy sewing machines in Uzbekistan or find partners in this business will have access to the information you provided.





Electronic directory full list of companies in the field of "Sewing machines" in Uzbekistan. Phones, addresses, work schedules and any additional information available on the resource 24 hours a day. Only verified data on the sale and production of sewing machines in Uzbekistan with regular updates, collected over twenty years of the existence of the catalog, as well as a free telephone service with up-to-date information about sewing machines in Uzbekistan.




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