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Production and sale of stained glass windows in Uzbekistan: catalog of companies and organizations, their addresses, phone numbers, contacts

This section of the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan catalog contains complete information about Stained glass windows in Uzbekistan

Found companies: 23
to show:




Address: India, Uttar Pradesh, 244001, Moradabad, street Katghar, Khanna Building Mehbulla Ganj

to show:

View statistics of the rubric: Stained glass-Window - Production, Sales

for current month (December 2024): 265

for last month (November 2024): 500

for 3 month (September 2024 - November 2024): 1486

for half year (June 2024 - November 2024): 3007

for year (December 2023 - November 2024): 6515

Manufacture and sale of Uzbekistan stained glasses: contact information of companies, workshops and stores. represents a page which demonstrates manufacture, sale and installation of Uzbekistan stained glasses. Customers can see here all reference information. List provides any party which intends to buy, install or restore the stained glasses with addresses, telephones and other contact information of the companies;

Using our list you can receive always and instantly all information of manufacturers and stores of the stained glasses including landmarks to reach them as soon as possible.

Stained Glass in Uzbekistan

Sale and manufacture of Uzbekistan stained glasses: introduction.

Stained glasses are ancient products. Recent years new technologies and special equipment heat demand of these products. Today you can buy Uzbekistan stained glasses in widest range. Uzbek suppliers of the stained glasses and workshoppers provide these products as follows:

  • typesetting stained glass for classical interior design;
  • tinkered and strong stained glass for fronts;
  • facet stained glass for finishing of the components of furniture and blank windows;
  • combined stained glass as combination of different technologies;
  • outlined stained glass of prominent and concave glass tiles;
  • sandblasting stained glass using special equipment;
  • figured stained glass for windows and interior design;
  • mosaic stained glass for background stained glasses;
  • glass mosaic for face of kitchens, bathrooms and fireplaces;
  • smalt of the best workmanship; assist you quick and easy to find out Uzbekistan manufacturers of the stained glasses. If you need stores of these products you find out their addresses and telephones. If you need Uzbekistan professional workers you find out contacts of the workshops which create unique stained glasses for windows, doors and fronts.

Ornamental stained glasses: list of Uzbekistan companies and stores. makes best efforts to advertise newest information. All newest contacts of companies and stores of the stained glasses are entered into website. Newest information is verified professionally.

Nevertheless, sometime newest information of Uzbekistan sellers and manufacturers of the stained glasses is unavailable. We would appreciate if you reveal in «Uzbekistan manufacture and sale of the stained glasses» wrong information contact us below:

  • enter in address line;
  • enter «website error» in subject;
  • enter error's short description in field;

Also you can use another way. You can phone newest information of of Uzbekistan sellers and manufacturers of the stained glasses +998 71 291-77-24. At once after examination newest information is in list column of Uzbekistan stained glasses. for Uzbekistan workshops and stores of stained glasses.

Also provides profitable cooperation for Uzbekistan manufacturers and stores of the stained glasses. If you like your business promotion and free targeted advertising is your best assistant. You do not spend fantastically for advertising episodes, banners and other promotion of your business.

Customers of Uzbekistan stained glass for window, door, front and other interior components these customers contact you through our portal pages. All you need is to provide us your information. We make all best efforts that our cooperation will be profitable mutually. Your store or workshop of Uzbekistan stained glass will generate higher incomes. Enter your company in column «Uzbekistan manufacture and sale of the stained glasses» now loading Application "MS Word" (111 Kb).


 electronic catalog: a complete list of companies in the sphere of "Stained glass windows in Uzbekistan". Phones, addresses, work schedules and any additional information available on the resource 24 hours a day. Only verified data on the production and sale of stained glass in Uzbekistan with regular updates, collected over twenty years of the existence of the catalog, as well as a free telephone service with up-to-date information about stained glass in Uzbekistan.




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