List of companies and organizations by tag «packing for fruit and vegetables» In Uzbekistan: addresses, phone numbers, contacts
Legal name: ASTPLAST LLC
Brand name: ASTPLAST LLC
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Almazar district, street NORAZTEPA, 52 B
Disposable plastic containers - sale, production
Disposable plastic cups - sale, production
Disposable plastic spoons - sale, production
Disposable plastic tableware - sale, production
Large containers of plastic - sale, production
Plastic - Production of wares, Raw materials
Plastic (plastic) boxe - sale, production
Plastic barrels - sale, production
Plastic bins - sale, production
Plastic buckets - sale, production
Plastic canisters - sale, production
Plastic containers for water - sale, production
Plastic packaging - Sale, Production
Plastic products and raw materials - production
Plastic tanks - sale, production
View statistics of the tag: packing for fruit and vegetables
for current month (December 2024): 2
for last month (November 2024): 31
for 3 month (September 2024 - November 2024): 114
for half year (June 2024 - November 2024): 222
for year (December 2023 - November 2024): 468