Tashkent Medical Park, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone
Country code: +998
E-mail: info@urologic.uz
Legal name: Tashkent Medical Park
Brand name: Tashkent Medical Park
Address: Uzbekistan, 100123, Tashkent, Uchtepa district, massif CHILANZAR-12, street MAKSUD SHEYKH-ZADE, 7
When applying to Tashkent Medical Park, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.
urology, nephrology, gynaecologist, sperm gramme, colposcopy, surgery, laser surgery, treatment of oncological diseases, procedural room, X-ray diagnostics, urologist, urological clinics, urological centers, laboratory, treatment of prostate adenoma, gynecological operations, laser urology, laser gynecology, laparoscopic operations, treatment of inguinal hernia (hernioplasty), operations for obesity (bariatrics), removal of gallbladder stones, treatment of kidney stones, crushing of kidney stones, treatment of kidney pain, treatment of prostate cancer, treatment of bladder cancer, treatment of erectile dysfunction, computed tomography, rib cage msct, joints msct, msct of the spine, msct of the kidneys, ultrasound of the bladder, ultrasound of the prostate, marmara surgery for varicocele, Allergist, immunologist
Location on the map
View statistics of the organization «Tashkent Medical Park»
December 2024: 63
November 2024: 80
for 3 month: 249 (September 2024 - November 2024)
Statistics of the company feedbacks
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FAQs about Tashkent Medical Park:
Where is Tashkent Medical Park located?
Tashkent Medical Park is located at the address: Uzbekistan, 100123, TASHKENT, UCHTEPA area, CHILANZAR-12 massif, 7. . -
How to get to Tashkent Medical Park?
To build a route, you can use the map on our website. -
Tashkent Medical Park telephone numbers?
You can call Tashkent Medical Park on telephone numbers . +998 55... display -
Tashkent Medical Park website URL?
Tashkent Medical Park website URL - urologic.uz.