Pressure sensors - sale, production: full list, contacts, opening hours, addresses and other information.
The directory Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan provides detailed information on the companies of the section "Pressure sensors - sale, production" in the in Tashkent region.
Legal name: DINAMIKA LLC
Brand name: DINAMIKA LLC
Address: Uzbekistan, 100017, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, massif KASHGAR, 28
AMR - installation, introduction
Flow meters - sale, production
Hot water temperature sensor - sale, production
Measuring devices with embedded microprocessors - sale, production
Measuring equipment and computer engineering - Sales, Production
Measuring instruments - sale, production
Legal name: Energy Maximum LLC
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Almazar district, street USTA SHIRIN,
Brand name: MICROS TM
Address: Uzbekistan, 100015, Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, street KICHIK BESH-YOGOCH, 86
Air extractors - sale, production
Air heaters - sale, production
Air purifiers - sale, production
Alcohol testers, breathalyzer - Production, Sales, Repair
Automated document management systems - Development, Implementation
Automation of retail stores, outlets - services
Automation pharmacies for pharmacy software - introduction, development
Baby scales - sale, production
Barcode printers - sale, production
Biochemistry analyzers - sale, production
Bitrix Site Management System (Bitrix) - sales, design, implementation
Cases for notebooks - sale, production
Cash registers - sale, production
Channel ventilator - sale, production
Computer software - sales, design
Computers - Upgrade, Repair and service
Control systems of employees - sale
Courses of Photoshop, CorelDraw
Courses of system (network) administration
Crane scales - sale, production
Creating web sites of any complexity - services
CRM Systems - Development, Implementation
Daikin air conditioners - sale
Diagnostic reagents - sale, production
Digital X-Rays - sale, production
Domestic ventilators - sale, production
Ducted air conditioning - installation, assembly
Education to computer graphics
Education web programming (PHP, HTML, JavaScript)
Electrocardiography, ECG machines - sale, production
Electronic cash registers (ECR), machines - sale, production
Electronic scales - sale, production
Equipment for IP telephony - sale, production
Floor scales - sale, production
Flow meters - sale, production
Hardware and software for call centers
Hematology analyzers - sale, production
High-speed Internet - connection services
Home Internet - connection services
Industrial air conditioners - installation and assembly
Industrial air humidifiers - sale, production
Industrial automation - services
Industrial controllers - sale, production
Industrial scales - sale, production
Industrial ventilators - sale, production
Information kiosks - sale, delivery, installation
Internet FTTB - connection services
Inverter conditioners - sale, production
IP-Equipment - Sale, Production
Laboratory scales - sale, production
Learn the three-dimensional design (AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3DS MAX)
Licensed software - Elaboration, Sale
Licensed software - sale, development
Magnetic resonance tomographs (MRT) - sale, production
Medical electronic scales - sale, production
Medical equipment - Sale, Production
Medical expendable materials - sale, production
Medical industry - Production of instruments, Equipment, Items
Mosquito nets - sale, production
Motion sensors - sale, production
Multifunction devices (MFP) - sale, production
Office internet - connection services
Photocopiers XEROX - sale, production
Plastic windowsills - sale, production
Platform scales - sale, production
Polygraphy equipment, Printing equipment
POS terminals - sale, production
Pressure sensors - sale, production
Printer checks - sale, production
Programming training, programming courses
Programs for restaurants, Restaurant automation - Development, Implementation
Sealing machine and tapes packages - sale, production
Security - Equipment, Tracking loops
Security cameras - sale, production
Split systems - sale, production
Supply ventilation systems - sale, production
Systems of multilevel protection and cybersecurity - sale, introduction
Tower conditioners - sale, production
Training center of programmers
Ultrasound machines - sale, production
Ultrasound scanners - sale, production
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Unlimited Internet - connection services
Ventilation grilles, fan grilles - sale, production
Ventilation systems and equipment - Sales
Video intercoms - sale, production
Video supervision - Systems, Devices, Components
Video walls - sale, delivery, installation
VRF Air conditioners - sale, production
Wagon scales - sale, production
Warehouse software, Warehouse automation - Implementation, Development
Weight indicators - sale, production
Window air-conditioners - sale, production
Windows and frames made from PVC - sale, production
Brand name: UZKIP TM
Address: Uzbekistan, 100069, Tashkent, Almazar district, street KARASARAY, 1
Control devices, Automatics and mechanisms
Frequency converters - sale, production
Gas analyzers, gas detectors - sale, production
Laser and plasma cutting of metal
Laser rangefinders - sale, production
Measuring equipment and computer engineering - Sales, Production
Measuring instruments - sale, production
Pressure gauges - Sale, Production
Pressure sensors - sale, production
Tension converters - sale, production
Companies in other regions of "Pressure sensors - sale, production" rubric
View statistics of the rubric: Pressure sensors - sale, production in Tashkent
for current month (January 2025): 121
for last month (December 2024): 111
for 3 month (October 2024 - December 2024): 465
for half year (July 2024 - December 2024): 914
for year (January 2024 - December 2024): 1918
Pressure sensors - sale, production in Tashkent - addresses, phone numbers, all information in our catalog presents a section devoted to reference information of Tashkent category Pressure sensors - sale, production. Here are their phones, addresses, location and other contacts, including e-mail addresses, if any. Turning to the in Tashkent section Pressure sensors - sale, production, you can quickly find the necessary data about local companies, including work schedules, as well as rough guidelines that make it easy to find their way.
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The database, which unites all companies in the category of in Tashkent Pressure sensors - sale, production, is regularly updated and updated with new data, as well as changes in existing information. To ensure maximum reliability of such information, employees carry out mandatory checking of all incoming information. Thus, we ensure the accuracy and up-to-date information of the Tashkent section located in Pressure sensors - sale, production, the list of which is given in this section. At the same time, the information is entered into the database only after its confirmation.
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An equally important contribution to the creation of the Tashkent section of Pressure sensors - sale, production will be the support of entrepreneurs engaged in this type of activity. offers you the advantage to place advertising information about yourself in the corresponding section. At the same time, it should be emphasized that in our case you immediately receive the target audience, you just need to fill out a questionnaire. Our specialists are always ready to consider your proposals and create optimal conditions for cooperation, which will certainly bring mutual benefit. We will do everything possible to ensure that your company in the category "Pressure sensors - sale, production" for the region of Tashkent received the highest attendance rating!