BYORK LLC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone
Country code: +998
Legal name: BYORK LLC
Brand name: BYORK LLC
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yashnabad district, travel 2-nd CHULPAN, 14 A
Working hours: 09:00 - 18:00, Break 13:00 - 14:00, weekends - sat., sun.
When applying to BYORK LLC, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.
Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production, Biochemistry analyzers - sale, production, Computer tomographies - sale, production, Dental X-ray equipment - sale, production, Digital X-Rays - sale, production, Electrocardiography, ECG machines - sale, production, Gynecological chairs - sale, production, Holter ECG monitoring - sale, production, Laboratory equipment, LED lamps operating - sale, production, Magnetic resonance tomographs (MRT) - sale, production, Medical equipment - Sale, Production, Medical equipment - Service maintenance, Repair, Medical industry - Production of instruments, Equipment, Items, Mobile, portable X-ray machines - sales, production, MRT of brain - services, Multislice computed tomography, msct - services, Operating tables, surgical tables - sale, production, Patient Monitors - sale, production, Ultrasound machines - sale, production, Ultrasound scanners - sale, production, X-Ray equipment - Sale, Production, X-ray machines - sale, production
medical technique, x-ray vehicles, ECG (electrocardiography), мрт (магнитно-резонансная томография), медицинская техника, laboratory equipment, digital x-ray, apparatus of artificial lung ventilation, catalog of medical equipment, medical equipment catalog, medical equipment companies, buy medical equipment, lor-harvester, medical device, operating lamp, operating table, medical equipment suppliers, biochemical analyzers, video colposcopes, video endoscopes, defibrillators, diagnostic equipment, mechanical ventilation, patient monitors, Anesthesia and Respiratory apparatus, portable x-rays, portable ultrasound, ultrasound equipment, surgical tables, MSCT, devices for ultrasonic diagnostics
Location on the map
View statistics of the organization «BYORK LLC»
January 2025: 96
December 2024: 80
for 3 month: 273 (October 2024 - December 2024)
Statistics of the company feedbacks
Feedbacks of the users
Where is BYORK LLC located?
BYORK LLC is located at the address: Uzbekistan, TASHKENT, YASHNABAD area, 2-nd CHULPAN travel, 14 А. . -
How to get to BYORK LLC?
To build a route, you can use the map on our website. -
BYORK LLC telephone numbers?
You can call BYORK LLC on telephone numbers . +998 71... display -
BYORK LLC website URL?
BYORK LLC website URL -