Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production, In Uzbekistan: catalog of companies and organizations, their addresses, phone numbers, contacts

This section of the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory contains complete information about Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production in the In Uzbekistan region

Found companies: 11
to show:


  +998 90... display

Country code: +998

Faxes: 78 1501435




Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, street KICHIK KHALKA YULI, 45

Show on the map

Analysis of urine - services


Apparatus echvch, coagulators, electrosurgical high-frequency devices - sale

Apparatus for ozonotherapy - sale, production

Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production

Automatic analyzers - Sales, Production

Biochemical analysis of blood - service

Blood test

Coagulation (gemostaziogramma) of blood - services for analysis

Colposcopy - services

Compressor inhalers (Nebulizers) - Sale


Diagnostic centers

Diagnostic laboratory

Diagnostic reagents - sale, production

Digital radiography - services

Digital X-Rays - sale, production

Electrocardiography, ECG machines - sale, production


Equipment for disinfection - sale, production

Equipment for disinfection and sterilization of medical instruments - sale, production


Gastroscopy - services

Gynecological chairs - sale, production


Holmium laser - sale, production

Holter ECG monitoring - sale, production

Hormonal research - services

Hospitals and clinics

Laboratory equipment

Laser surgery - services

LED lamps operating - sale, production

Medical beds - sale, production

Medical centers

Medical equipment - Sale, Production

Medical equipment - Service maintenance, Repair

Medical expendable materials - sale, production

Medical industry - Production of instruments, Equipment, Items

Medical instruments - sale, manufacturing

Medical laboratory

Nasal washing - services

Neurosonography (ultrasonography of brain newborn's) - services

Non-surgical treatment of BPH - services

Operating tables, surgical tables - sale, production


Patient Monitors - sale, production


Public health services

Removal of gallstones - services

Removing kidney stones - services

Sterilizers - sale, production

Ultrasonic nebulizer - Sale

Ultrasound machines - sale, production

Ultrasound scanners - sale, production


X-Ray equipment - Sale, Production

X-ray machines - sale, production

X-ray, Radiography



to show:

Companies in other regions of "Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production" rubric

View statistics of the rubric: Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production

for current month (January 2025): 76

for last month (December 2024): 147

for 3 month (October 2024 - December 2024): 514

for half year (July 2024 - December 2024): 1185

for year (January 2024 - December 2024): 2337

Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production of In Uzbekistan: the most complete list of companies with contact details. presents a page on which the background information of the Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production section of In Uzbekistan is contained. This directory will let you know their addresses and phones, location and contacts, as well as other necessary data. Using our directory, you can always in seconds receive the information of the Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production section of interest, including landmarks, where you can quickly reach them.

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Nevertheless, we will be very grateful if, if you find incorrect or outdated information in the category "Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production" for the region of In Uzbekistan, you will inform us about it in a letter to the e-mail address ( In the subject of the letter we ask you to indicate "an error on the site", and in the body - you will be able to describe the problem. Immediately after the verification, the data received from you will be entered in the section of the catalog "Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production".

Separately, we also want to contact the owners and employees representing the company in the Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production section of In Uzbekistan. If you are interested in the development of your business and free directional advertising, will become your irreplaceable assistant. You do not have to spend fabulous amounts to order commercials, banners and other ways to promote your business. All that is required to place the data in the Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production section in our catalog is just your desire and information. We, on our part, will do all that is necessary for our cooperation to bring mutual benefit to each of the parties. Add your organization to the "Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production" section right now, after downloading the form of the Questionnaire format "MS Word" "(size 111 Kb).


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