ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - contacts, address, telephone



Address: Uzbekistan, 100000, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, street KICHIK KHALKA YULI, 45

Company in database 9 years

When applying to ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC, please tell us that you found information about this organization in Yellow Pages Uzbekistan directory, Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan.


Analysis of urine - services, Andrology, Apparatus echvch, coagulators, electrosurgical high-frequency devices - sale, Apparatus for ozonotherapy - sale, production, Artificial Lung Ventilation Machines - sale, production, Automatic analyzers - Sales, Production, Biochemical analysis of blood - service, Blood test, Coagulation (gemostaziogramma) of blood - services for analysis, Colposcopy - services, Compressor inhalers (Nebulizers) - Sale, Dermatology, Diagnostic centers, Diagnostic laboratory, Diagnostic reagents - sale, production, Digital radiography - services, Digital X-Rays - sale, production, Electrocardiography, ECG machines - sale, production, Endocrinology, Equipment for disinfection - sale, production, Equipment for disinfection and sterilization of medical instruments - sale, production, Gastroenterology, Gastroscopy - services, Gynecological chairs - sale, production, Gynecology, Holmium laser - sale, production, Holter ECG monitoring - sale, production, Hormonal research - services, Hospitals and clinics, Laboratory equipment, Laser surgery - services, LED lamps operating - sale, production, Medical beds - sale, production, Medical centers, Medical equipment - Sale, Production, Medical equipment - Service maintenance, Repair, Medical expendable materials - sale, production, Medical industry - Production of instruments, Equipment, Items, Medical instruments - sale, manufacturing, Medical laboratory, Nasal washing - services, Neurosonography (ultrasonography of brain newborn's) - services, Non-surgical treatment of BPH - services, Operating tables, surgical tables - sale, production, Otolaryngology, Patient Monitors - sale, production, Proctology, Public health services, Removal of gallstones - services, Removing kidney stones - services, Sterilizers - sale, production, Ultrasonic nebulizer - Sale, Ultrasound machines - sale, production, Ultrasound scanners - sale, production, Urology, X-Ray equipment - Sale, Production, X-ray machines - sale, production, X-ray, Radiography



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View statistics of the organization «ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC»

April 2024: 166

March 2024: 264

for 3 month: 636 (January 2024 - March 2024)

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The review should include a personal assessment and real experience of interacting with the company. The review should be meaningful and include as much factual information as possible. The portal's editors reserve the right to edit the content of the review in order to preserve the review, removing words and expressions that prohibit publication, and not changing the essence and main content of the review.
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  • Where is ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC located?
    ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC is located at the address: Uzbekistan, TASHKENT, CHILANZAR area, KICHIK KHALKA YULI street, 45. .
  • How to get to ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC?
    To build a route, you can use the map on our website.
  • ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC telephone numbers?
    You can call ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC on telephone numbers . +998 90... display
  • ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC fax numbers?
    You can send a fax to the number 78 1501435.
    ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC website URL - endo.uz.





ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - current information in the catalog Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan. ENDO-SYSTEMS LLC: contacts, address, phone, fax, website, location, landmarks and other additional information on the website Yellow Pages Uzbekistan.




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